We’re two weeks away from the Big One. Happening on 21 to 24 April around the houses of Parliament in London.
It’s going to be an inclusive, collaborative event where we’ve invited loads of other climate-focused organisations to join us at protesting the climate emergency. And many of them have stepped up to stand alongside us.
Everyone is needed. The focus is on encouraging others to get involved over large arrestable spaces.
This action weekend includes Earth Day and the London Marathon and has been organised with cooperation from both the London Marathon organisers and the police.
If you’re feeling out of the loop. Now is a great time to get involved. This will be the last news roundup before a group of us from Stroud head over to join our fellow rebels in London.
Our big one planning meeting is on Wednesday 12 April
There’s a group of us planning to go to London from Stroud. We’ll be organising where we meet, what our plans are and how to find one another at our upcoming meeting .
Like to come with us? Let us know by coming to our next meeting on Wednesday 12 April at 7pm at The Ale House in Stroud.
There are also Stroudies going to London from our local Greenpeace group, Stroud Red Band, and Street Beats Stroud (our XR samba fusion band) among others. More help is needed if you can spare any time.
What’s happening in London?
If you haven’t been receiving information from XR national. Here’s how to find out more about the plans for the big one. How to get involved and what’s happening on each day.
💚 Information from the big one website
📣 Latest news from the rebellion broadcast (telegram app)
How to get to London?
There are a few spaces left on some coaches travelling to London for Friday and Monday from Ross on Wye bookable on this eventbrite link.
Some of the supporters joining us in London
See you on the streets!
💚 XR Stroud