we need you for upcoming actions

Javelin park insanerator over our dead bodies

Here are some messages on upcoming actions from XR Gloucestershire:

Friday 30 October – Over our dead bodies insanerator actions

Extinction Rebellion Gloucestershire are working with the local group Community R4C to continue to build pressure close the incinerator and return millions of £s to our county council so they can create a Waste policy that will help us in the race towards net zero carbon rather than pumping pollutants into the atmosphere.

Action is at Shire Hall, Gloucester, and ideally rebels would need to be there from 8:30am to finish by 10:30. Covid precautions aware lifts can be provided from Stroud area to Gloucester and back.

The plan is to have a “die in”, themed “over our dead bodies”, to jar councillors attending a specific key Audit Committee meeting, to ensure the issue of stopping Javelin Park and getting a better alternative is at the top of their agenda.

We are working to have a “rubbish” monster (modelled on the idea of Chinese Dragons) to create a dramatic presence and also need at least three people to be the “bodies” that councillors have to step over to get into the meeting.  
To do your bit & play your part, contact xrgloscoords@protonmail.com​​ for more information.

Stroud Wednesday meetings are back on zoom at 6:45pm

Sadly, we can’t easily meet in person still but some of us are meeting on Wednesdays at 6:45 to check-in, share information from other parts of XR and plan actions.

Join us using these details:
password = reset

CEE bill tea parties on Fridays

If you fancy a meet up in person, then come along to the CEE Bill Tea Party 12 to 2pm, 3 King St (next to Poundland), Stroud to promote the bill and chat to real people!

Save the dates

Friday 27 November – Final Friday Film and Q&A night, watch “The Need to Grow”. Also share with a panel and post film group discussion.

Monday 9 November – On the day that would have been COP26, watch this space.

Weekly zoom meetings & upcoming actions

Welcome back to weekly xr stroud meetings on zoom on Wednesdays at 6:30pm

Hope you are as well as you can be. I’ve recovered from surgery for endometriosis, so I’m back and here to help if you need anything.

Join our weekly Wednesday Zoom meetings

Just wanted to let you know that XR Stroud meetings are starting up again on Zoom on Wednesdays at 6:30pm (yes that’s tomorrow). Here are the details to get your zoom call started:

Password = Reset

Upcoming actions & save the date

There are lots of exciting (and safe, socially distanced) actions coming up in the Stroud and Gloucestershire area, so please do join us for the meeting to help us plan what we can do to help keep the climate emergency at the top of people’s minds.

These include things like the weekly outdoor climate tea parties, next steps on the incinerator and… save the date for what would have been COP26 on November 9.

I don’t have all the exciting details for what’s coming up next, so you really will need to dial in tomorrow to find out more.

Need help with Zoom?

If you need any help with getting started, there are plenty of helpful videos on how to use Zoom on this page.