Skills we need
There are plenty of things that you can do to help Extinction Rebellion Stroud.
We’re all volunteers, so we know finding time to donate to the group can be a challenge. Any amount of time or support is sincerely appreciated. Please get in touch with information on your interests or expertise and we’ll be happy to have you on board.
Our working groups
You can get involved with any of these working groups within XR Stroud. You can work in multiple working groups and donate as much or as little time as you have spare.
- Communications
- Arts
- Outreach
- Training
- Actions and Affinity Groups
- Logistics
- Well-being and Welfare
- Legal and Arrestee support
- Finance and Fundraising
There are opportunities to progress work within meetings too. We have time set aside in each meeting to progress actions and discuss work you can help with.
No amount of time is too small
We always need volunteers and can work around the time you have available.
For example, you could help with:
- Handing out leaflets
- Putting up posters
- Finding new members
- Volunteering time in the beacon (the activist shop).
Please get in touch if there’s anything you can help with.