Upcoming action planning & 2040 film

It was wonderful to see you at last nights meeting. If you weren’t able to make it we’d love to see you on Zoom. Here’s how to come to next weeks meeting.

Come back for our awakening

It’s a ~perfect~ time to come back to XR Stroud too because we’re starting planning for the upcoming local rebellion at the end of August culminating in a UK-wide action starting Sept 1st in London, Cardiff and Manchester. We need you to make our local actions in and around Stroud as good as they can be. We can’t let things slide back to business as usual. We need a considerate, sustainable future that works for all of us and not for some of us.

Need some positive inspiration?

There’s still about a day left to register for the remote showing of 2040, an inspirational sustainability film. Please register on Eventbrite here, and you’ll be sent a link to the film to watch from your home on Friday 24. Following the film screening you’ll be sent a link to a Zoom Q&A panel featuring the following amazing guests:

Gail Bradbrook – Extinction Rebellion
Jojo Mehta
Sarah Lennon – Extinction Rebellion

That’s it for now, hope you see you soon.

Attend our weekly meetings on Zoom

Weekly XR Stroud meetings on Zoom Wednesday 6:30pm

We can’t wait to meet again as a big group in person, but until then we’re having meetings on Zoom every Wednesday starting at 6:30pm.

Just open this link to get started.

Please contact us if you need any support getting started on Zoom. There are lots of exciting actions coming up, but we need your ideas and your support to make them happen.

We’ll post details here when we are ready to start up meetings in person again, watch this space!

We need children’s shoes

Extinction Rebellion Gloucestershire are on the hunt for second-hand children’s shoes for an upcoming travelling art action, with the shoes to be eventually donated to Shoe Aid. We would be so grateful for your help!

What we need

Children’s shoes of any size, shape, colour or variety.

Where to send them

Email: xrgloscoords@protonmail.com
Ring: 07557 537217
Or reply to this email

You can also get in touch for more info about what we’re planning and how to get involved.