We had a beautiful meeting in the sunshine on Wednesday, was so nice to see you all again. Here is the latest news.
Next meeting date
We are meeting fortnightly at the seating area in Stratford Park on Wednesdays at 7pm. Our next meeting is on Wednesday 29 June. Here’s how to find us.
Updated know your rights online training
Green and Black Cross are provided updated know your rights training which has been updated with the latest details from the policing and crime bill. This training is highly recommended for anyone who will be attending actions this year.
You can see all the available free training here.
Join XR Stroud Samba – no musical experience necessary
XR Stroud Samba are outdoors playing weekly again and everyone is welcome to join in. Instruments and earplugs are provided. And all experience levels are welcome as we provide all training. We normally practice on alternating Friday and Sundays at 7pm at Stratford Park Bandstand, you can find our next practice dates here.

We’ll have a presence at the 2000 trees festival, come join us – 7 to 9 July
We’ve been given 3 slots on the Word stage at 2000 Trees, at around lunchtime on each day.
We want to make the most of this presence, so we’ll need some help, can you help us by volunteering some time? Please reply to this email or get in touch if you have any skills that could help us.
Green drinks & discussion – for anyone interested in green stuff
The Green Party are organising green drinks at Stroud Brewery on Thursday 23 June 7-10pm. This is an opportunity to network and meet other people volunteering, contributing or interested in doing more green work in the local area. Add your name to the ticket list if you’re interested.