Info for the next rebellion on August 23

12 rebels stand outside the sub rooms holding signs explaining reasons people could die during the climate emergency.

Don’t forget we‘re meeting weekly on Wednesdays at 7pm to get ready for the next rebellion which starts on August 23 in LondonHere’s information on our next meeting.

Your August rebellion guide

If you’re looking for information on how to get involved in the London rebellion you can find all the information you need in this XR Glos rebellion guide.

There are a lot of links in there, so if you do one thing use the Telegram links which will send you information on the plans for London actions and keep you in the loop with what’s going on.

Staying in Stroud during rebellion?

We’re in the early stages of planning some actions for rebels that are not going to London, please let us know if you’d like to be involved, or come along to next weeks meeting if you have any action idea.

There are things to do in and around Stroud such as wellbeing support and crisis talk action planning.

Wellbeing training during next meeting

Rebirthing our resilience, connectivity and efficiency. Tooling up for uprising without getting caught in conflict. Maintaining our own power in body, mind and yes, spirit – keeping things light because the road ahead involves some heavy lifting.

Session to run in parallel with Wednesdays meeting after the intro and check-in, due to time being short before the August rebellion. Includes practical skills to orientate yourself whilst on an action; ‘Buddies’, affinity groups and wellbeing monitoring; before and aftercare; then a Q&A. Mari and Fergus to host.