Saturday, August 15
2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Wallbridge green
1pm – Food and Chat – bring a bowl and spoon
2pm to 5pm – People’s Assembly, Affinity Group Support, Rebellion Plans and Ideas.
The Lockdown has changed everything. We’ve seen that the government has failed to keep people safe, but we’ve seen how brilliantly the community in Stroud has stepped up to fill the gap. Informal networks of support have sprung up everywhere. People are amazing – we can do emergencies!
Many people have suffered during the epidemic, but it’s not been all bad. We have all experienced a Pause – clean air, birdsong, community, kindness – so which way now? Only 12% of people want to go back to normal; so where do we want to go post-Covid, and how do we get there?
Terrible though the virus has been, it has also been a rehearsal for the impact of climate change. We’ve learnt about food shortages, about managing without transport, about severe limitations on our choices: this is a practice-run for the near future. This year the Government’s own Committee on Climate Change warned that at this rate we could soon be heading for a 4˚C warmer world. Resulting in billions of deaths worldwide, extreme weather, food-shortages, and many other massive changes that will affect us, even here in Stroud.
The government is failing to protect us from the climate catastrophe. Instead they are propping up big banks, big oil, and polluting industries, with zero commitments to people and planet, or to a safe future for our young people. They are driving us over a cliff. How then do we protect ourselves, our children and our grandchildren?
Come and share your thoughts, your doubts, your fears. What do you want us to do? What do you want to do?
XR is asking local groups to plan noticeable local actions for the Bank Holiday weekend 28 to 31 August; Many of the other local groups will then join in actions in Cardiff 1 to 4 September and XR is beginning its Rebellion in London with a 7-day Vigil for the Earth from 31 August in Parliament Square, and further Actions the following week.
Come and join! Come and plan! If not now, when; if not you, who?